Helps the base chakra to ‘blossom’ by releasing old fears and insecurities, both about oneself as a creator and ones status on the earth. Then strengthens the energy-cord between base-chakra and earth for the creation energy to be embodied more powerfully by the individual.
Unsure wether you have a purpose here or a supported by the earth herself to manifest something great on the 3D physical level? That’s a sure sign that the base chakra still needs some transformation to not run on old programs that limit your manifestation abilities as well as your attitude and perception towards mother earth and physicality.
Ultimately allows a person to come into the joy of confident creation and manifestation, where one feels more and more inspired to be a part of this plane and humanity. Helps one to feel ok in ones current human expression and feel value & meaning with what one is creating, regardless of how small or personal it may be.
Carnelian, Mookite, Citrine, Purpurite pendant,
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